Tailored contract cleaning for business, education & surgeries.

Category: Company

A new era for Clearview

A new era for Clearview

We have been working hard to develop our new website to mirror the changes the company has made to its operations over the last 12 months. Thanks to the help, guidance and patience of Tom Powell web designer, we are finally ready to reveal it.

It has been developed with the intention of making life easier for our cleaners. They now have a ‘Cleaner Corner’ where they can place orders directly with us for materials, view apply for cover work or an additional position, request time-off and view their pay dates – all from their smart phone.

For our clients we have added the MSDS for the cleaning chemicals that we use on sites and our insurance details so that this important information is available whenever it is required, all via the ‘Client Corner’.

We have also had a ‘refresh’ of our brand guided by DesignbyKite and you will see the introduction of our new logo and colours as they appear on our vans, marketing and workwear over the coming weeks. You will continue to see our ‘old’ colours and workwear as we will not be throwing anything into landfill, it will be replaced at the end of its life, as we all have a responsibility for the environment.

To us this marks the beginning of the new Clearview era, where we have over the last 12 months updated and improved operational technology and brought our business back to focus on Herefordshire so that we can provide an improved service to our clients and better support our cleaning operatives.

We look forward to working with you all!